Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Here we go again...

I guess we'll be trying again come September or October. After injects, a trigger shot and 4 beautiful follicles, my progesterone on 9dpo was a 2.6! I guess that was my body giving me the finger, ya think?

We are going to increase the meds, stim for a shorter amount of time, use a stronger trigger and take progesterone from the get-go. I will also be monitored much more closely this time around.

Now all I need is for the deployment to end.

Big sigh...


Me said...

waiting sucks balls

Shannon said...

Ah, that sucks! Maybe they will know what will work better for you. I've been thinking about you! Let me know when you are free! We've got our birthdays to celebrate!

Kara said...

:o( I was so rooting for you! You can still come stay at my house with me though. :o)

Adrianne said...

I'm sorry! I hope your wait passes quickly!