Thursday, March 12, 2009

Same shit, different month.

So, I guess most people know that last month was a BUST. I had a whopping 9 day luteal phase. That's fabulous, eh? So when I called up the dr's office to schedule yet ANOTHER CD 10 u/s, the nurse was confused and asked if I was sure... well, let's see, after the 3rd tampon, I was pretty darn sure that I could no longer hope it was just implantation spotting. Ugh.

Oh well, the good news, I finally got to meet face-to-face with the satellite coordinator for the fertility clinic in LR. It was nice to actually get to speak to her and get her take on my slew of issues. She thinks I have an estrogen issue along with the progesterone issue. Man, lucky me! So, along with the progesterone supps, I will now be wearing estrogen patches. I'm a walking medicine cabinet! Good thing that my work doesn't do random drug testing, b/c with my fertility cocktail, I fully expect to have electric green urine in the future! lmao

Let's see... the tally for this week is up to 6 co-workers with pregnant children!! All of the children are within a few years of my age. 2 sets are unwanted pregnancies to unmarried couples, 3 are married less than a year, and one got preggo the first month trying. Again, Lucky me!

Where did I get confused and manage to win the INfertility lottery? B/c when it comes to bad luck, I'm pretty much the first in line!

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