Second, WTF is up with the jealousy and name calling regarding friendships and cliques?? Yes, in life, there will be groups of people that migrate toward the same things. It's called common sense. Not everyone will get along. Not everyone will like you, me, her, him or any of our opinions. Get over it. If you don't like me or my clique, then move your ass along. You can't have the best of both worlds. You get us or you don't. Don't ask us to leave and then get pissy because we have chosen to carry on our fun outside of your area. Why is it that the person who sits on the bench always knows how to play the game better than those on the court??? Cliques are not groups of people that drew the same lottery numbers, we're people who TALK to others, we put ourselves out there to find friendships. If you have a problem with friendships that do not include you, step it up and see if you'd fit in. We're fun... I was the new girl once upon a time. Now I'm that annoying one;)

If you have no clue what I'm harping about... consider yourself lucky. If you do know, either join in on the fun, or put your jealousy card away b/c we're not accepting them at this time.
Lol, ITA!
And then they claim to be offended when they don't even understand what it is that offends them.
I am offended by this post.
Whatever, I have a mom I don't need others to mother me or teach me the error of my ways. You don't like it ignore me. ;)
I love your sense of humor sista! Don't change it for anyone.
I love ya, Vanessa.
I love your sense of humor, intelligence and confidence. I agree with monkeys, dont change it.
Yep - what all the people above me have already said!
I "get" you - well most of the time anyway and love you still!
Obviously there are those tho can take our Jackassery *wink* and those who can't. Those who can't can kiss my A$$! I guess that's why I'm at Disney again, maybe permanently. *insert eye roll*
I think your cool!! and when I grow up I want to be just like you!!
Amen to all of that! Don't worry about it! I LOVE your personality and wouldn't want you to change it ever! LoL
And yeah.....I'm sure you already know how I feel about the people getting ticked at us 'cliques.'
Yours Truly,
ITA with everybody. TO heck with the ones who are jealous. You know that's what it is. :)
I'm over here LMAO!!! My husband's favorite word to describe me is "abrasive". *rolling eyes*
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