I got to talk to Barry for a nanosecond yesterday. He was made to get off the phone after 3 minutes so they could clean the call center. WTF? I pretty sure that they can clean around the soldiers that have waited for over a week to talk to their loved ones. Besides, how hard could it be to clean a call center? Am I missing something?
Oh well, he sounded very tired, but had some POSSIBLE good news. Apparently, the battalion is slotted to get some additional soldiers to fill in the gaps. If this happens.... drum roll please, Barry may get a two week leave!! EEEKKK.

The only thing that Barry would miss would be the hormones and the procedure. He is due back int he states hopefully early September, so he is okay with the proposed timeline.
I can already hear the whispers... every person who knows me will be counting 9 months in their head and then when they realize the time of conception is during Barry's deployment... oh lord.

I'll keep my fingers crossed that he gets to come home!
Here's hoping that Barry gets to come home!
And who cares what others think? What matters is that you and Barry know the truth!
I'd run with the rumors. you guys have fun with it.
I'll be keeping my fingers crossed as well.
That's great news, I'm keeping my fingers crossed B gets to come home for a short break!
Hope the IVF timeline works out, it would be more than funny to hear the rumors about you, you'll have to share :)
If anyone could/would run w/ the rumors it would be you LOL! Sure hope Barry gets his leave time.
You IVF hussy you! LMAO!
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