Anyhoo, I woke up this morning with my left nostril swollen shut, a beautiful perfectly round bruise on the bridge of my nose, and a nice set of half raccoon eyes. I am lovely. I attempted to cover it with makeup but must not have done a very good job b/c everyone at work today kept looking at t me with that, "who did she piss off", kind of look.

Based on the past few days and my vacations from sites that I won't mention... apparently everyone. Hello! I'm a certified, Grade A, top of the line, SMART ASS. I wouldn't have it any other way... and neither would you!

Sorry about the face being busted! Those kids have really hard heads!
Hope your nose isn't broken with that kind of bruising around your eyes.
And glad to see you back from vacation. I missed you while you were gone!
I was thinking the same thing about hoping your nose isn't broken. Hugs! Wow. It's amazing what kind of damage kids can do. So, was the pic taken of you this morning? :wink:
They have hard little heads don't they? They always get the 'right' spot too.
Glad you're back!
I do have to say though, you are one sexy beast, could B be any luckier?
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