Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Happy, Happy, Joy, Joy!!!

I'm doing a dance today. I had my repeat HSG today. My right tube is open... and beautiful:)

I was so nervous that it would be blocked, but the dye went through so easily I was almost shocked. That means we can try injects before moving on to IVF!!!! I can't wait to tell Barry! We might get to have a baby the sort-of old fashioned way. Well, old fashioned meaning there will be sex with my husband... instead of a man in a lab mixing everything up in a petri dish!

Now I just need to get my hubby home!


Lisa said...
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~Tanya~ said...

Awesome news, now time just needs to hurry up so you can get your man home!

Kara said...

That's great news! i'm so excited for you. I hoe Barry comes home sooner than expected.

Annie said...

I think I got banned. I didnt know how else to contact anyone :(

my email is

I feel so cut off *cry*

Shannon said...

That's wonderful news!!!! I'm so happy for you. let's pray for Barry's quick return home!

Adrianne said...

Awesome news! I've been meaning to pm you on FF to congratulate you!

Sending nothing but positive thoughts for Barry to have a quick & safe trip home!

Me said...

Congrats! I would be dancing too!

Flying Monkeys said...

Yay for construction free roadways!