Monday, August 18, 2008


So a stupid MONKEY tagged me, I suppose because she was out of friends. Since I'm the last person to do this, I guess I will need to tag myself 6 more times.

Here are the rules:
1. Link to the person who tagged you
2. Post the rules to your blog
3. Write 6 random things about myself
4. Tag 6 people at the end of your post and link to them
5. Let each person you have tagged know by leaving a comment on their blog.
6. Let the tagger know when your entry is posted.

Here are my 6 random things:

1. I know how to weld. It might take me a few minutes to remember all of the steps, but I was pretty darn good back in the day. If speech therapy ever fails me, well... I guess I have something to fall back on.

2. I LOVE clove cigarettes. I used to smoke them on occasion when I was piss-ass drunk in college. I can smell them and it immediately makes me want to drink heavily and forget how I arrived back home. Yum. Cloves. They make your lips tingle.

3. I am a foot freak. Dry, scaly feet make me want to vomit. I get pedicures even in the winter so that I don't have them. Barry's feet are horrible. I think that his feet are my cross to bear. They are skank-a-licious. I secretly dream about strapping him to a pedicure chair and hiring someone to get a grinder. SRSLY.

4. Speaking of feet... I had a sewing needle in my big toe for almost 2 months when I was about 4 years old. Apparently, I was running through the house and stubbed my toe near my mom's sewing machine. The needle entered and was lying parallel to the bone so it wasn't obvious other than a small drop of blood. Being that I was the third child and my leg wasn't immediately falling off, my mother thought I was fine (she didn't realize that the needle was missing). 2 months later, when my toe continued to swell on and look gnarly, my mom and dad decided that at-home surgery was the best option. He held me down while she picked at the toe with another needle. Niiiiiiiiiice. I guess after lots of screaming and kicking, she decided that squeezing the toe off was the answer! Out popped the needle and all was well. Thank god for stainless steel... and the immune system.

5. If I lived near a casino, I would be broke and owe a lot of money to a bookie. I love to gamble and could spend all of our money on penny slots. I am not allowed to have the debit card when we go b/c I can't be trusted. I find myself saying..."this is the last $100", way too often.

6. I took voice lessons for years... but as an adult, I hate to hear myself sing. I am my own worst critic. The last time that I sang in public was 1997, at my sister's wedding. I hated it. I wish I had taken piano lessons instead. I will always wish that.

I'm not tagging anyone b/c I think all of my peeps have been tagged. I suck like that.


Plant Girl said...

Clove cigarettes are amazing! Cris turned me on to Djarums when we were in Nepal. But, man, they rip your throat to shit.

Maybe we need to get piss-ant drunk together and have a couple. ;)

*~The Mommy~* said...

DEAL! Yeah, they aren't exactly silk on the thraot, but they rule!

Sock Monkey said...

Did someone mention an ant??

You weld? How did I not know this??