When asked about our IVF timeline, I recapped a lot of "what-if's" and "hopefully's" pertaining to the end of Barry's deployment. Obviously, I can't make a baby without at least one male contribution. Seeing as Barry is currently a bazillion miles away, we can't really do much until his return. Anyway, back to my story. After explaining everything to this person, she proceeds to tell me that her friend, let's call her, X, had to "almost do IVF". I took the hook, and asked about it, because I didn't know that X had difficulty with TTC.
This is the story...
"Yeah, X was so worried that she was going to need IVF. She tried for almost 6 months... and even had to take her temperature every day and have sex at really specific times. GAHHHH, the horror...

After biting my tongue, I smiled and said, "Um, that is there first step on a really loooong road that unfortunately ENDS in IVF"... then like I had been speaking to deaf ears, she asks me..... wait, any guesses???...
"Have you tried any of that stuff???"
I am so happy to know that temping will not only make me ovulate, but it will also surpass my remaining fucked-up tube AND allow for Barry's sperm to swim across the ocean!!
Shame to all that knew that and never enlightened me.

Ignorance can be bliss or make you want to drop kick people.
Seriously Vanessa, I am still amazed at the stupid comments people make to me regarding IF and our needing IVF. In those cases I almost envy their ignorance on the subject and sometimes I'm sure they hear me whisper 'dumbass' under my breath.
Have you tried pineapple? Instead cups? How about wearing sexy lingerie?
It worked for my best friend's hairdresser's transexual cousin!
Thanks, girls. It helps to know that I'm not alone in my apparent ignorance, lmao!
LMAO @ ur frustration. (Better you than me!) ;)
My sister, in her infinite wisdom of being 16 months older than me (and having no problems getting pregnant), told me that I had to have sex 14 days after my period starts. That was my fertile time. Well gee... thanks... that only works if my cycles were 28 days. But they aren't. So bite me!
On a side note, I had a m/c before M at 6w. My sister (yes the same one) said to me "Are you sure you were even pregnant? Most women don't know until they are 8 weeks along."
I've had 'friends' (term used very loosely here) what sexual positions worked best to create babies. Yeah, I didn't want to be thinking about her and which positions she was telling me to use while trying to make that baby with S.
Ok, I could go on, but I won't. This was your rant, not mine :)
I know how you feel hunny ((((hugs)))) all too well.
Next time youre at the book store, look for Infertility for Dummies...dont buy it, just look at it. Near the back there is a section called something like "Top Ten Things You Can't Believe You Heard". It makes me feel better to read through them and just sigh.
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