They got rid of the lawn servicing company, which is fine... if they would even half-way maintain it themselves. However, they choose to allow it to look like a frickin' Laura Ingalls Wilder intro. There are more weeds than grass... and that means that the weed seeds and pollen do what... yep, you guessed it they float and/or run on over into MY yard. Yeesh. The sidewalk in front of my house has dandelions growing in the edging area! ACK! I wonder if they would get the idea if I bought a big gallon of "weed control" spray and put it on their front porch...

So all morning long, I had to spray THEIR weeds. UGH. I'm gonna take a picture. Yep..b/c no one can fully understand it w/o a picture.
Okay, pic of my lawn into good neighbor's yard... notice still-dormant sod and absence of weeds.

Pic of good, across the street neighbor who has to share property line with dumbass...

And now... for the main event. Please keep in mind, this lawn was perfect two years ago before the laziest family on the planet moved in...

Okay, I'm sure that everyone is thinking that I'm beyond anal about my lawn. Well, I am. Sod is expensive... care of said lawn is, too... so quit being a dumbass and at least think about what your weed-a-polooza is doing to your neighbor!
Don't EVEN get me started on their total lack of fence maintenance. That's another post all in itself.

Anywho... I need to go put down my new mulch. I'll stop bitching, for now.
I'm not as bad as your neighbor, but I'm definitely not as good as you! S doesn't want to put down weed killer (though I do) because he is afraid the dogs will eat it.
So, we mow our lawn and do edging, but no weeding for us.
Uhg, Id be beyond annoyed too. Thanks one thing about living in a townhome, dont have to worry about the lawn ;)
My uncle (the idiot of the family, thank God he is related by marriage and not blood) was bragging one time because he let his lawn get out of control and the neighbors signed a petition and threatened him that if he didnt mow his lawn, they would mow it for him. Well, any normal person would be mortified, right? Not Uncle Moron. He laughed and said "What the hell kind of threat is that? Ahhahahahaha" so he left it for a week and came home one day and his lawn was mowed and edged. He bragged that he was never going to mow his lawn again *eye roll*
My dad's neighborhood has a rule that your grass cannot exceed 2.5 inches long in the front OR back yard, and it cannot have a "excess amount of weeds". If it does, they have a company come out and fix the problem and then bill you for it. ;) I really like that rule.
They've only used it once that my dad knows of. Once the idiot had grass so high some people's dog's disappeared when they walked by and you could see johnson grass growing in the backyard taller than the fence. The other time was a woman who, it turned out, her mother fell ill and passed away and the home owner just didnt even think to mow it (the Homeowners Association didnt know that) and her neighbors came together an paid the bill for her. :)
Ok Im done rambling ;)
Nice yard, Vanessa:D
Thanks for understanding! LMAO!! I came home today and their lawn was mowed. We have a rule for height.. but I don't know how often it's used. I wish we had a weed rule!
I didn't know you were my neighbor. You could have just asked me to mow it. I bet we're those neighbors here. Our hedge was so overgrown from previous years we had to cut it way back and it looks ridiculous! It's all bare and ugly, but it's greening up so I'm hopeful. We really had no idea how to tend to the shrubbery, we're learning.
I e-hat yard work! I love to plant but weed and rake-blah!
Hey, I've got your page bookmarked now so it's on!
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